Session Tips || UTAH PHOTOGRAPHER ||

With so many different styles of photography and preferences it can be difficult to know what to wear. Is it better to wear something that will "look" good or go for comfort?

 While I try my best to make situations comfortable, I'm still  learning what works and what doesn't.

Below I have outlined a few tips I have pulled from different articles
  • Let loose! You contacted me because you either don't have any recent pictures or it's a special occasion. Or just for fun! So make it a fun experience. I'm just an observer that is trigger happy and capturing the moments you are living.
  • If your uncomfortable, no worries! Let me know and well switch it up. 
  • Ladies, what better time to get sassy then during a photo sesh? Tilt one of your shoulders back, put your weight on your back foot with one hand on your hip and give me some attitude! You'll thank me later :)
  • Pintrest is our friend! If you have some images in mind lets try them! I cant guarantee it will be identical to what you show me but it gives us ideas of what you like. Shoot me an email and well set up a board for just me and you to pin things to.
If you have any additional thoughts or suggestions, I would love to hear them!

{N} family || UTAH PHOTOGRAPHER ||

One of my December sessions. 
Their little boy was the C U T E S T. 


{Cortney and Braydee}

These love birds have been married 2 years and they are just the cutest married couple. 
Doesn't hurt that they are pretty awesome friends to bare the cold to shoot in a tree lot.. 


Sunday fun day

This past Sunday my cousin and I went out to do a test run of Senior pictures. With students graduating in May, I wanted to play with some ideas for any Seniors that have not taken any. 

Im extremely happy with how they turned out! 

Seriously, how gorgeous is she??

♥// s.lorraine

l o g o

When starting photography it was overwhelming knowing what all I needed to do and on top of that, what order. Of course there's learning your camera, lighting and how to be comfortable with clients.

Another big part is the business part. While I was nervous about it, it was exciting to think of it being "official." In comes the logo!

I hate deciding things and creating my logo tested that. I had ZERO direction and no clue what I wanted. Lucky for me, I chose an amazing person to design my logo. Jessie was incredibly patient fast! She answered all my questions quickly, even on New Years! To check out here site, click here.

Enough suspense, behold! My logo :)

♥//s. lorraine

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